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Library & Information Science, Course 262: Resources for Young Adults.
Dr. David Loertscher

 Time-Life's List of People
and Events of the Last
1000 Years

From: The Life Millennium: The 100 Most Important Events & People of the Past 1,000 Years: A Pictorial History of the Wrld - and the Discoveries that changed It. Time-Life, 1998


The 100 People Who Made the Millennium

In order of importance:

1. Thomas Edison
2. Christopher Columbus
3. Martin Luter
4. Galileo Galilei
5. Leonardo da Vinci
6. Isaac Newton
7.Ferdinand Magellan
8. Louis Pasteur
9. Charles Darwin
10. Thomas Jefferson
11. William Shakespeare
12. Napoleon Bonaparte
13. Aolf Hitler
14. Zheng He
15. Henry Ford
16. Sigmund Freud
17. Richard Arwright
18. Karl Marx
19. Nicolaus Copernicus
20. Orville & Wilbur Wright
21. Albert Einstein
22. Mohandas Gandhi
23. Kublai Khan
24. James Madison
25. Simon Bolivar
26. Mary Wollstonecraft
27. Gugielmo Marconi
28. Mao Zedong
29. Vladimir Lenin
30. Martin Luther King
31. Alexander Graham Bell
32. Rene Descartes
33. Ludwig van Beethoven
34. Thomas Aquinas
35. Abraham Lincoln
36. Michelangelo
37. Vasco da Gama
38. Suleyman the Magnificent
39. Samuel F.B. Morse
40. John Calvin
41.Florence Nightingale
42. Hernan Cortes
43. Joseph Lister
44. Ibn Battuta
45. Zhu Xi
46. Gregor Mendel
47. John Locke
48. Akbar
49. Marco Polo
50. Dante
51. John D. Rockefeller
52. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
53. Niels Bohr
54. Joan ofArc
55. Frederick Douglass
56. Louis XIV
57. Nikola Tesla
58. Immanuel Kant
59. Fan Kuan
60. Otto von Bismarck
61. William the onqueror
62. Guido of Arezzo
63. John Harrison
64. Pope Inncent III
65. Hiram Maxim
66. Jane Addams
67. Cao Xueqin
68. Matteo Ricci
69. Louis Armstrong
70. Michael Faraday
71. Ibn Sina
72. Simone de Beauvoir
73. Jal Ad-Din Ar-Rumi
74. Adam Smith
75. Marie Curie
76. Andrea Palladio
77. Peter the Great78. Pablo Picasso
79. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
80. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
81. Phineas T. Barnum
82. Edwin Hubble
83. Susan B. Anthony
84. Raphael
85. Heen Keller
86. Hokusai
87. Theodor Herzl
88. Elizabeth I
89. Claudio Monteverdi
90. Walt Disny
91. Nelson Mandela
92. Roer Bannister
93.Leo Tolstoy
94. John von Neumann
95. Santiago Ramon y Cajal
96. Jacques Cousteau
97. Catherine de Medicis
98. Ibn Khaldun
99. Kwame Nkrumah
100. Carolus Linnaeus

Time Line:
A chronological guide to the 100
most important events of the past 1,000 years


1008: Tale of Genji, world's first novel
1088: First modern university
1095: Crusades begin


c. 1100: Gunpowder weapons developed
1117: Earliest account of nautical compass
1120: First known restaurants
c. 1150: Temple of Angkor Wat completed
1169: Ibn rushd translates Aristotle


1211: Genghis Khan invades China
1215: Magna Carta signed
1260: Chartres Cathedral completed


1324: Masa Musa' pilgrimage to Mecca
1325 Aztecs establish Tenochitlan
1348: Black plague
c. 1350: Birth of fashion


1407: Public banking
1413: Brunelleschi adds perspective
1450:Coffee brewed
1453: Ottomans take Constantinople
1455: Gutenberg's Bible
1492: Columbus's voyage


1509:First slaves brought to New World
1517: Luther launches Protestant Reformation
1535: Europeans introdued to tobacco
1537: Europeans introduced to potao
1543: Vesalius reveals anatomys secrets
1545: Peruvian silver enriches Spanish empire
1582: Gregorian calendar
1588: Spanish Armada defeated
1596: Flush toilet


1601: First welfare program
1603: Shakespeare's Hamlet
1605: Cervantes"s Don Quixote
1609: First regularly printed newspaper
1610: Galileo proves Earth revolves around sun
1610: Tea imported to Europe
1628 Harvey explains circulatory system
1633: First child-rearing book
1656: First pendulum clock
1666 Newton's law of gravity
1674: Microorganisms observed
1653: First public museum


1722: Bach's The Well-Tempered Claivier
1769: Industrial Revolution begins
1776: U.S. Declaration of Independence
1789: French Revolution begins
1796: Smallpox vaccine
1799: Rosetta Stone found


1804: Haiti wins Independence
1812: Canned food
1819: Bolivar liberates Colombia
1826: First photograph
1829: First water filtration
1830: First all-steam railway
1834: Refrigeration
1838: Rise of labor movement
1839 Goodyear vulcanizes rubber
1844: Marx meets Engels
1844: Morse's telegraph
1846: Anesthesia used in surgery
1848: Birth of womens suffrage movement
1851: Singer's sewing machine
1854:Otis's elevator
1854: Besemer refines steel"
1859: First oil well drilled
1859: Darwin's Origin of Species
1865: Civil War ends U.S. slavery
1866: Mendel's Law of Heredity
1867 Nobel invents dynamite
1868: Rise of Japan
1869: Suez Canal opens
1876 Bell invents telephone
1876 Edison opens laboratory
1880: cezanne paints Mont Sainte-Victoire
1882 Germ theory of disease proved
1886: Coca-Cola bottled
1895: First motion picture
1895: Rontgen discovers X rays
1896: Modern Olympics


1900: Freud's Interpretation of Dreams
1901: Marconi sends transatlantic wireless message
1903: Wright brothers fly
1906: Rise of Pentecostal movement
1907: Baekeland synthesizes plastic
1908: Ford builds Model T
1914: World War I begins
1914: Russian Revolution begins
1928: Fleming discovers penicillin
1928: First regular TV broadcasting begins
1933: Hitler takes power
1934: Mao leads Long March to Chinese revolution
1945: U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
1947: Transistors lead way to computer age
1947: India wins independence
1953: Crick and Watson map structure of DNA
1954: Birth of rock'n'roll
1962: Carson's Silent Spring
1969: Armstrong walks on the moon


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This page iwas last revised on Jan. 13, 1999