Learning Online in the Informatics Program


Online learning makes it possible for many people to earn an advanced degree. We invite you to explore our award-winning online learning environment. 

  • Watch a short videoabout our learning management system, Canvas. We’ll show you how you’d access your courses, view your assignments, and interact with your peers and instructors.
  • Read an article by one of our online students, who shares her perspective about our school’s online learning environment.
  • Read an article by one of our professors, who describes how he creates an interactive, engaging learning environment for his students.
  • Check out the 5 benefits of our school’s fully online delivery model, things you may not find in programs that offer a blend of on-campus and online learning.
  • Find out about our school’s 2013 Sloan-C Effective Practice Award, which honors innovation in online education.
  • Learn about the type of technology students need in order to participate in our school’s interactive online learning environment.