Laura London
Branch Supervisor Rockrimmon Library, Pikes Peak Library District

Laura London

Laura London has worked in libraries for over 25 years and in many capacities. She began as a volunteer when her children were small, then began subbing for several school libraries. She received a position as elementary school librarian and has also worked in a middle school library, as well as a university library. She joined the Peace Corps twice; the first time serving in the island nation of Palau where she taught English to elementary grades and worked as the community librarian. The second time she served as the reference and cataloging librarian at the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development in the heart of Guyana. She has been with the Pikes Peak Library District for the past 11 years as a branch supervisor. She just completed a six-month sabbatical where she worked in the Lodging Office at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. She has a dream to step foot on every continent; she has one left (Africa). Laura has a neighborhood Little Free Library in her front yard, so even when not at work, she is near a library. Although she didn’t set out to make libraries her passion and career, she is happy with the path and many journeys it has led her on, and is eagerly awaiting her next chapter.