Madeleine Pundyk


Madeleine Pundyk

MLIS 2013
Reference Librarian
Winnipeg Public Library
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

What I am doing now.

I am a reference librarian in Winnipeg’s main downtown branch.  I work out on the desk doing reference work as well as answer eref questions.  I’m on the adult programming committee and we come up with programming ideas and help disseminate programs to the branches.  I participate in discussions about which databases and information platforms we should keep or lose.  I help with weeding.  I contribute regularly to the young adult blog and the adult blog.

What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?

Definitely the reference interview–helps to determine what people are really looking for.  Information retrieval helped me understand databases and how they work, which helps as we have a lot of databases and platforms through our library.  The course on public libraries helped with understanding what the specific needs of public libraries are.  I took a young adult programming course but that translated a bit to working on adult programming too.

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