Zemirah Lee


Zemirah Lee

MLIS 2014
Education & Outreach Librarian
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA USA

What I am doing now.

My primary responsibilities in this position fall along the lines of education & library instruction, outreach, and the provision of reference services both in person and online.

Specifically, I teach information literacy workshops for the lower division writing courses. I also teach classes in close partnership with our graduate resource center giving library instruction to international graduate students and classes on bibliographic management software. 

I work on creating new and maintaining existing LibGuides and other learning objects that promote and explain the use of our library resources. I participate in and coordinate the libraries’ participation in campus and library outreach events. And, I participate in the provision of library instruction for students enrolled in online courses. 

I provide reference services in person at the desk, by appointment; or, virtually by email, and chat.

What are the most valuable skills I use in my job?

I’d have to say that the nature of our program really is so useful in preparing our grads for a career in information and the sharing (and teaching) of information organization and information literacy both in person and online.

At SLIS, I was able to study, participate in a virtual internship, and even work for a federally funded research project. I think students who can learn to communicate in a variety of formats and situations and still be articulate, persuasive, and respectful are going to be the most successful in their work places. If I learned how to do anything well at SLIS, it was the skill to communicate effectively in a variety of different settings, using different technologies, working with a wide range of people living in a variety of time zones.

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